1/2 way through my first trimester already! I get nauseous every now and again, but it's not constant like it was last week. I feel like I'm not as tired as I was during my last pregnancy. Last time, I'd come home from work and fall asleep on the couch almost every day during the first trimester. Maybe it's because I'm not doing as much throughout the day since we're quarantined and I've been working from home.
One of my best friends found out she's pregnant last week. It'll be fun having someone to go through pregnancy with & I hope our kids can be good friends too. I have a gut feeling I'm going to have a girl and she's going to have a boy - we'll see. I'm 3 weeks further along. I'm due at the beginning of November and she's due at the end. We couldn't have planned it better ourselves.
My doctor's office called yesterday to reschedule my 8 week ultrasound. I guess one of the patients tested positive for COVID-19 at the location I usually go to and they closed it until at least May 1st. That location was closer to home and just a medical building full of offices. Now I have to drive twice as far and go to a hospital...where all the sick people are going. I'm just grateful they aren't cancelling my appointments or pushing them farther out.
The 8 week appointment is usually just an ultrasound, however, I'll be seeing the nurse practitioner as well afterwards. My 10 week visit with the nurse practitioner got changed to a virtual visit so I'll be doing all the blood work that goes along with that appointment at my ultrasound instead.
There are so many changes going on with prenatal care. In the pregnancy Facebook groups I'm in, there are so many women having babies soon saying they aren't even allowed a support person during labor/delivery. I would be furious & scared. Plus, I feel bad for the fathers. They have to miss appointments and possibly the birth of their child - it's ridiculous. I understand the need to protect the healthcare workers, but if the husband and wife live together, and you're already coming in contact with the wife, what does the husband matter?
Cody won't be able to attend any of my appointments with me until further notice and I'm praying he's allowed to go to my 12 week appointment in May. That's when we talk about, and schedule, my cerclage procedure. He'll be missing the first ultrasound and they told me it's up to the ultrasound technician to allow me to record a video or video chat with my husband during the appointment...they should at least let me record a video of the ultrasound, come on. I'll be so upset if neither of those 2 things can happen.
I'll update after my appointment on Monday.
Have a good weekend everyone.
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