The issue: I have an incompetent cervix. Once the baby starts putting pressure on my cervix, it opens, & go into labor. That's what happened during my last pregnancy.
The plan: I've spoken to my OB, have done a ton of research, & joined incompetent cervix Facebook groups (yes, they exist). The plan is to have a cervical cerclage placed at 12 weeks, a day or two after my 12 week appointment on May 5th. It's basically a band they place around my cervix to keep it closed during my pregnancy, until 37 weeks when they take it out to prepare for labor.
I'll have to go to the hospital, it takes place in the OR, & I'll either go under general anesthesia or have an epidural and be awake during the procedure. I should get to go home the same day as long as everything goes smoothly.
My OB and I haven't talked about after the cerclage procedure yet, but most women tend to go on with their daily functions, minus heavy lifting. Some women are told to take it easy, and others put on bed rest. It all depends. We'll see what the doctor says.
Praying everything goes smoothly, but I've read a lot of success stories and feel assured this will work.
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