Feeling good for the most part, super nauseous though. I haven't been as tired this pregnancy, last time I had to take a nap every day. You'd think growing 2 babies would take more energy. Thankful I'm not needing to sleep all day. My back and hips are starting to hurt at night making sleeping a little more difficult. My stomach is already growing and my clothes are tighter. Since this is my 2nd pregnancy and it's twins I'm going to show way earlier. I thought in the beginning it was just bloating but it didn't/hasn't gone away like it did after a few weeks during my first pregnancy. The image above says my uterus is already the size of a grapefruit, but that's for a singleton pregnancy so I'm assuming mine is a little larger.
(actual size of babies right now)
There's 2 different types of cerclages, abdominal and vaginal. Abdominal, they make an incision in your abdomen and stitch the cervix closed at the top & it's permanent, resulting in a c-section for birth. Vaginal, they just go up through your wooha and stitch the bottom of the cervix and take it out at 37 weeks so you can deliver.
I called my OB office, after doing some research on both types and talking to several women that have the same issue I do, and asked my OB if he would recommend the abdominal cerclage. He said after my failed cerclage last time I'm kind of in a grey area and he agreed that an abdominal cerclage is probably the better option for me, especially now that I'm carrying 2 babies and putting extra pressure on ny cervix.
Abdominal cerclages increase chances of carrying to full term up to 99% compared to a vaginal, which is between 50-80%. Most of the women I talked to said they had a cerclage during their 2nd pregnancy and it failed, resulting in loss or having a super early baby with lots of NICU time. All of them that had abdominal cerclages held until full term. All of these women reccomended the abdominal cerclage.
My OB said he doesn't do abdominal cerclages and I'd have to see a different doctor for that so he referred me and I already have my appointment for a consult. There's 1 doctor that he knows of in the Indy area that does them but I've heard great things about him. I'm scheduled for an ultrasound and consult with the doctor on April 13th. They typically do cerclages around 12/13 weeks so I'll probably end up having surgery at the end of the month.
It is surgery and I'll be put under. It's laparoscopic so it'll only be a small incision and my OB said I should get to go home same day if there's no complications. I'm not sure about recovery time yet but can't imagine it would be long. I'll probably be sore for a while and have to take it super easy.
I asked the new doctor's office if I'm allowed to bring my husband to the appointment and they said yes. I was surprised since he couldn't go to my 1st ultrasound due to this stupid virus. I'm excited he'll get to be there for the ultrasound and will get to see the babies. They'll be more developed and easier to see. I'm also glad he'll be there to hear information on the procedure first hand and be able to ask his questions.
Consult appointment is April 13th & I have my 10 week appointment with the nurse practitioner April 16th. I'll update after those appointments with what we've learned and the plan.
- thanks for following! Until next time...
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