I'll be updating this post as we progress through this pregnancy. Some of my appointments have been changed due to COVID-19. Important Dates - 4 weeks: March 5 - 8 weeks: April 2 - 12 weeks: April 30 - 13 weeks: May 7 - 14 weeks: May 14 (2nd trimester starts) - 15 weeks: May 21 - 20 weeks: June 25 (1/2 way there) - 28 weeks: August 20 (3rd trimester starts) - 30 weeks: September 3 - 38 weeks: October 29 (baby could come at any time) - 39 weeks: November 5 - 40 weeks: November 12 (full term) Appointments - March 2: initial HCG level blood work - March 4: follow up HCG level blood work - March 4: endocrinologist appointment to get back on insulin - March 17: endocrinologist follow up (diabetes; virtual visit) - March 30: 1st ultrasound & prenatal appointment/blood work with the nurse practitioner (8 week appointment) - April 13: abdominal cerclage consult - April 16: 10 week appointment with the nurse practitioner (virt...
Feeling good for the most part, super nauseous though. I haven't been as tired this pregnancy, last time I had to take a nap every day. You'd think growing 2 babies would take more energy. Thankful I'm not needing to sleep all day. My back and hips are starting to hurt at night making sleeping a little more difficult. My stomach is already growing and my clothes are tighter. Since this is my 2nd pregnancy and it's twins I'm going to show way earlier. I thought in the beginning it was just bloating but it didn't/hasn't gone away like it did after a few weeks during my first pregnancy. The image above says my uterus is already the size of a grapefruit, but that's for a singleton pregnancy so I'm assuming mine is a little larger. (actual size of babies right now) There's 2 different types of cerclages, abdominal and vaginal. Abdominal, they make an incision in your abdomen and stitch the cervix closed...