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Upcoming Appointments & Important Dates

I'll be updating this post as we progress through this pregnancy. Some of my appointments have been changed due to COVID-19. Important Dates - 4 weeks: March 5 - 8 weeks: April 2 - 12 weeks: April 30 - 13 weeks: May 7 - 14 weeks: May 14 (2nd trimester starts) - 15 weeks: May 21 - 20 weeks: June 25 (1/2 way there) - 28 weeks: August 20 (3rd trimester starts) - 30 weeks: September 3 - 38 weeks: October 29 (baby could come at any time) - 39 weeks: November 5 - 40 weeks: November 12 (full term) Appointments - March 2: initial HCG level blood work - March 4: follow up HCG level blood work - March 4: endocrinologist appointment to get back on insulin - March 17: endocrinologist follow up (diabetes; virtual visit) - March 30: 1st ultrasound & prenatal appointment/blood work with the nurse practitioner (8 week appointment) - April 13: abdominal cerclage consult - April 16: 10 week appointment with the nurse practitioner (virt...
Recent posts

8 weeks!

Feeling good for the most part, super nauseous though. I haven't been as tired this pregnancy, last time I had to take a nap every day. You'd think growing 2 babies would take more energy. Thankful I'm not needing to sleep all day. My back and hips are starting to hurt at night making sleeping a little more difficult. My stomach is already growing and my clothes are tighter. Since this is my 2nd pregnancy and it's twins I'm going to show way earlier. I thought in the beginning it was just bloating but it didn't/hasn't gone away like it did after a few weeks during my first pregnancy. The image above says my uterus is already the size of a grapefruit, but that's for a singleton pregnancy so I'm assuming mine is a little larger.  (actual size of babies right now) There's 2 different types of cerclages, abdominal and vaginal. Abdominal, they make an incision in your abdomen and stitch the cervix closed...

Genders - What do you think they'll be?

Old wives tale gender tests: Urine/baking soda test: girl Chinese calendar: boy Mayan calendar: girl Heartrate: Baby A - 142. Baby B - 160. Morning sickness: super nauseous  Cravings - sweet (gir) or salty (boy): both Oily skin & dull hair: girl


We're having twins!!! What?!?! Cody wasn't able to go to my appointment with me so I asked him that morning, "do you want me to try and facetime you during the appointment or see if I can record a video"? He said record it since he had to work and didn't know if he'd be in a position to stop what he was doing to anwser the facetime call. My appointment was originally Tuesday and he had taken the day off to go with me but my appointment got rescheduled to the day before so he had to work during. I got in the room and laid on the table. The technician said I could facetime my husband but I asked her if I could record instead. She said no. I told her to just proceed and I'd show Cody the pictures later. 2nd pregnancy and I figured there was only one baby in there so it wouldn't be anything new. Wrong! The lady set the ultrasound thing on my stomach and pulled it away really fast. I saw 2 circles on the screen but figured those were...

7 weeks!

1/2 way through my first trimester already! I get nauseous every now and again, but it's not constant like it was last week. I feel like I'm not as tired as I was during my last pregnancy. Last time, I'd come home from work and fall asleep on the couch almost every day during the first trimester. Maybe it's because I'm not doing as much throughout the day since we're quarantined and I've been working from home.  One of my best friends found out she's pregnant last week. It'll be fun having someone to go through pregnancy with & I hope our kids can be good friends too. I have a gut feeling I'm going to have a girl and she's going to have a boy - we'll see. I'm 3 weeks further along. I'm due at the beginning of November and she's due at the end. We couldn't have planned it better ourselves.  My doctor's office called yesterday to reschedule my 8 week ultrasound. I guess one of the ...

6 weeks!

10 days until my first ultrasound. I'm really hoping it doesn't get cancelled and I'm praying Cody is allowed in. Right now, a lot of offices are cancelling appointments or not allowing guests, even the fathers. I just keep reminding myself that ultrasounds and appointments are for the baby, not for me or Cody.  I'm really hoping this doesn't last too long...I'd like to enjoy my pregnancy. 

What was the issue and what is the plan?

The issue: I have an incompetent cervix. Once the baby starts putting pressure on my cervix, it opens, & go into labor. That's what happened during my last pregnancy.  The plan: I've spoken to my OB, have done a ton of research, & joined incompetent cervix Facebook groups (yes, they exist). The plan is to have a cervical cerclage placed at 12 weeks, a day or two after my 12 week appointment on May 5th. It's basically a band they place around my cervix to keep it closed during my pregnancy, until 37 weeks when they take it out to prepare for labor. I'll have to go to the hospital, it takes place in the OR, & I'll either go under general anesthesia or have an epidural and be awake during the procedure. I should get to go home the same day as long as everything goes smoothly. My OB and I haven't talked about after the cerclage procedure yet, but most women tend to go on with their daily functions, minus heavy lifting. Some women ...

COVID-19 & Pregnancy

It means I keep my butt home. Not only do pregnant women have weakened immune systems, I'm diabetic and have even less of an immune system. I'll be working from home until it's safe. Cody is still working but he's not in contact with many people during the day. He washes his hands & uses sanitizer before he comes home and showers immediately.  We're trying our best to make sure I don't get sick.